Integrating JafSoft products into your software

JafSoft text converters offer some of the most powerful and accurate text conversion tools available anywhere. You can harness that functionality by integrating our software with your own, using our API versions.

Because of the way it is written, we have been able to successfully integrate it with software written in

and under the following Operating systems.

We don't directly support all these platforms, but through our Source Code licenses it has proved simple to port our software between operating systems (for example the port between OpenVMS and Windows only required a one-line change to the file opening routine).

If you have an interest in any combination listed above, please feel free to contact us, we're always happy to work with customers to make our software more widely available.

API licenses

If you are interested in details of our API licenses, or would like to try an evaluation version, please email, detailing

You can try out some API evaluation versions. These include an evaluation copy of the API, together with sample C++ and Visual Basic (VB) projects to demonstrate their use

Console versions

Most of our Windows applications are also available as console versions. These are made available to registered users, and may be better suited for batch conversions and command line use.

You can download Demo console versions
should you want to try out this aspect of the software before you register.


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