It is our intention to place here information that we hope will be of use to our users and visitors. Essentially we will "squirrel away" any information we come across or documents we write that may be of wider interest.
For this reason these directories are "open", that is you may freely browse the web directories these files are placed in. This will allow you to easily see all the information we have placed here, rather than relying on us adding suitable links to pages like this one.
Here are some of the resources currently available:-
- Jaf's guide to search engines. This is a list of search engines known to us, together with URLs for their advanced search and help pages. We try to keep this updated as we observe our site being spidered.
- JafSoft's list of web robots and link checkers. This is a list of the robots (search engines and other) that have visited our site, together with the IP addresses they use, and links to their home page. Again, this information is updated as we observe our site being visited.
- Jaf's cribsheets. JafSoft develop their software products mostly in C++ using MFC. As anyone who develops software knows, this can be a steep learning curve with many frustrations along the way. These "crib sheets" document solutions I've encountered for particular issues. Maybe I'm just documenting my own stupidity here, but each problem took me days to solve, and if these files help anyone, they're welcome to them. Please note, these are "crib sheets" and not tutorials.
- Jaf's Introduction to the Internet. This is a training course originally given in 1997 to Hong Kong university. As such it is beginning to show its age, and it may well be updated shortly. Having produced the course, I saw no reason not to share it. You can download the course in .zip format, so that it will always be available on your own machine. Enjoy.
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